Ciao! These past few days I've been really busy sittin on kids and making their lives miserable. Kidding :) But I have been busy. I usually wake up early around 8:00 and eat a nutritious breakfast, then the rest of the day is devoted to these adorable kiddos. Recent fun things we have done: Plant apple and pear seeds, color the outlines of leaves, princess plays (I made an investment and bought the princess CD off iTunes. It's a hit.), painted a plethora of pictures, along with coloring and drawing beautiful landscapes, reading stories out the wazoo, and watching PLENTY of Tangled. This morning I woke up and took a shower and tried out my new Italian blow dryer. Which blew up, but of course repaired itself while I was asking how to fix it. I really love it here. I feel very at home. I miss everyone but it's all good. I end up texting people at 3:00 in the morning because of my jet lag. Which has yet to go away. Also I forgot to tell you about my bug bite welts. I probably have 10 on each leg. No lie. I'll take pictures of how horrible they are and post them haha. I learned the joy of bug spray. I'm thinking on planning a trip to Barcelona soon. EXCITING! I was searching through my family's movies and found Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 1-5 and I have become addicted. They are so funny. There are so many nice people here. Life is good, Gelato is good, and I live in the most beautiful place.
sorry about the bug bites :P
ReplyDeleteAhhh, it all sounds so wonderful!