Saturday, August 20, 2011

Giorno Libero

This will be the death of me.

Meh. Hazelnut.

My favorite Gelatarian/Dessert place :)

There is this way long road with all this gorgeous scenery. I walk down it quite frequently.

My favorite shoes :)
Today is my free day. I woke up and ran around the town near the farm fields and then got spiffy. I then went on a walk. The funny thing is I noticed that lots more people saying ciao to me than usual. I think it's cause I got ready haha. Really. I love where I live. It's absolutely beautiful. It's fun to think I live in Europe.  I also went to a four year old birthday party. Those kids really know how to have a good time haha. 


  1. i super zoomed in on that dessert and then i drooled and then i thought of all the ways i could make it. you need to go back and ask them what was in the middle. like right now. it looks so delicious:) It looks like you are having a fun day today:)

  2. That dress looks so awesome on you Al! You look so very European in that outfit. I love to read all your fun experiences. I feel like I can relate to your bug bite experience, but mine don't look nearly as deadly. :)

  3. It looks so beautiful there and you look so beautiful, too! What a wonderful experience. So, yeah, find out what's in that yummy dessert. When we come to visit, that's the first place I want to go!
