Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Stars, The Moon.

Today I was invited to a star gazing party by my friends Indira and Blake. Blake is a "nerd" and loves astronomy and telescopes and stuff and they found this party in the Aviano Classifieds. Just so you know Indira is pregnant and is due this week! Well anyways we went to this star gazing party and it was so fun! There was all these crazy telescopes and food!! We saw the sun through a special telescope, the moon, Jupiter, andromeda galaxy, and lots of other really cool things.It's crazy to think you are really seeing these things that are thousands of miles away. In my pictures not very many people were there yet, but once it got a bit later lots of people came and it was a great time! The people there were really smart and new lots of interesting things. It was kind of 'nerdy' (i put nerdy in quotations cause that's what Indira says Blake is haha) but i liked it :)

 We put the camera up to the telescope lens and took these pictures!

 Oh yum! Italian pizza! Mushrooms, artichokes, and ham!

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